SNV Insurance is a GRAM SEVA KENDRA for Livestock Insurance Services in Rural Area with door to door Services like Tagging & Death Investigation since 2007. They have well Trained Executive and Registered Veterinary Doctors in their Team. Theu have excellent infrastructure & IT Support which takes care of all needs of rural customers & insurer for Cattle insurance Business. They want to change the mindset of Indian Livestock Insurance Business about effectiveness & Profitable implementing of Livestock Risk Management in Indian Insurance Market.

  • Responsive design
  • Concept deliver
  • Asset design
  • Competitor analysis
  • Conceptual design
  • WordPress
  • CSS
  • jQuery
  • PHP
  • MySQL
  • AJAX

Want To Develop Software With Us ?

Key Features

API development

We developed an API to maintain the below features in MySQL, PHP, AJAX so that the customer can claim insurance. It also shows the reports and health certificates.

  • Offline insurance store
  • Claim insurance
  • Reports insurance
  • Health certificate

Admin panel

The admin panel is developed in PHP where the admin can manage the insurance received, reports, and perform all the admin tasks.

Social media integration

Social media integration is a must in this digital world. To keep in touch and connected with their social users all across the world from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. The person using these platforms can directly get to know latest activities and news on SNV Insurance.

Project Scope and solution:

The Indian client wanted to design and develop a site and build a digital presence for their unique Animal Insurance business. They even wanted to keep a track of all the insurances received and manage it swiftly.

We helped them design a website for their business. It was many hours of back-and-forth and continuous chat/calls with the client for the design confirmation and developed a classic business site. We also help in developing an admin panel and API for their animal insurance purpose.


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